Market Entry Systems
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In which countries are Entryplanet’s services available?

Entryplanet's services are available worldwide.


What sectors does Entryplanet operate in?

We use our sector-independent platform for marketing businesses, governments, cities, and municipalities. We do not intend to limit ourselves.


Will Entryplanet buy our products or services?

No. Entryplanet’s core skill is holistic and strategic marketing of your services as these are available for purchase to your defined target group/country/segment.


Does Entryplanet also hold consultations abroad?

Yes. Entryplanet offers meeting locations in many countries for this purpose.


Is Entryplanet a distributor?

No. Entryplanet offers its client the concept and the implementation tools for entering their market. We make contact with a suitable distributor by using our global network.


Is Entryplanet an agency?

No. Entryplanet works with certified partners. We do not get you orders in return for a commission.


Is Entryplanet an reseller?

No. If and when needed, Entryplanet will put you in touch with resellers interested in buying your products.


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